Ezoteryczny Poznań,
Na Wildzie mieszka szatan
Czarna maria
Esoteric Poznań
Satan lives in Wilda
Black magic
Billboard Warp: When Esoteric Poznań Meets Świerczewo’s Quirkiness!
How did it work out? For me, bombastic!
In Poznań, local marketing is still mainly based on billboards. For some time now, people in Poznań have been familiar with digital billboards and QR codes are slowly entering the urban space. At the moment this is the maximum, and while audiences are ready to embrace more modern solutions, those deciding on budgets mentally live in Austria-Hungary and do not expect changes. Anyway, the story today is about a certain billboard.
The effectiveness of billboard advertising is mainly determined by an accessible message, contrasting colours, readability, location, originality. Here it is:
The billboard appeared in Poznań's Świerczewo district, and here lies the rub.
The advertisement is an obvious reference to the song 'Esoteric Poznań' by Pidżama Porno. Subjectively and boldly, I would say that 'Esoteric Poznań' is culturally the most recognisable Poznań medium and I would put it on the podium together with Koziołki and Rogal. The song is known to absolutely everyone, whatever their age, beliefs or identity. The song was written in 1995 and took wide succeed. At the time - Wilda - which is mentioned - was a neighbourhood with a very shabby reputation. The former workers' quarter, which was a dormitory for families employed at the Cegielski factory after the political and economic changes, was a picture of the declining ethos and condition of the local society. This is where "Satan lives in Wilda" comes from. An alternative, but not exclusive interpretation is the reference to the deeply rooted clergy in Wilda - 'Satan, black magic lives in Wilda'.
The above paragraph was for further understanding of the content of the article and the quoted advertisement.
So here we have a billboard that refers not so much to Poznań, but specifically to Wilda. And this is where the difficulty begins. In the post-war history we have had seven changes in the administrative district of the city. In the minds of Poznan citizens, Wilda functions as the area defined in 1948. In the context of this administrative division, the billboard is in the area of Świerczewo.
This misplaced location of the billboard is the subject of a lot of ridicule and jokes
- importantly all quite sincere and non-vulgar.
The subject of the location of this billboard touches on clearly cultural issues. At the moment, the city is a cluster of a fucking dozen housing estates and it's even harder to get to grips with it all.
The Fortune commercial caught my eye, not just because, as a resident of Wilda, I felt a sense of joyful wonder at this Wilda ad in Swierczew. I was simply pleased that local identity, culture is inspiring to marketers. The banner refers to a musical group that very much unites the locals and is extremely recognisable on the Polish music scene.
Finally - turning the cat on its head a bit. Let's assume that advertising, even when it's slightly misguided, generates excitement and buzz - it is successful. Personally, I had a great time seeing this billboard, and this article is the hype that makes it more effective - so a round of applause for Fortuna!